Episode 30: Sister Sister
Kimberley Guilfoyle is the kind of character who shows up a lot these days, and shows up a lot in American history: demagogue. Her personal history is checkered, as she has been the first lady of California, married to Democratic Mayor of San Francisco Gavin Newsom, and is currently dating Donald Trump Junior. She doesn't have a consistent allegiance, or an agenda, other than to remain in the spotlight for as long as she can. We rebuke ger in Get Thee Behind Me, Felicia.
Then, in Pilars of Strength, we discuss Queen Esther. The Book of Esther is a good read, It is short, and full of palace intrigue, and the kind of twists that made Alexander Dumas a popular author; assassination attempts against the King, secret plots, and, like the story of Daniel, a clever attack on the Hebrew People. Like the Book of Daniel, our brave and resourceful Queen is able to use her favor with the King to advantage; changing the nature of one of those unchangeable Persian edicts. It is a good, ten chapter read. God is not referenced directly, not even once. If anything, God is present and the force that directs the destiny of the orphan girl, her cousin Mordecai, and even the mighty Persian empire.